Vad behöver du tänka på när du köper ett nytt padelracket?

Så väljer du padelrack

När det kommer till padelracketar, tenderar kontroll och fart att vara motstridiga egenskaper. En allmän regel är att ju mer fart ett racket ger, desto svårare blir det att kontrollera. Med ett tyngre racket kan du generera mer kraft och hastighet, men detta kan komma på bekostnad av kontrollen över bollen och spelet.

Ett lättare racket ger bättre kontroll men kanske mindre kraft. Det är viktigt att hitta en balans som passar just dig, med hänsyn till din erfarenhetsnivå, styrka och spelstil. Att välja det rätta padelracket handlar om att hitta den optimala kombinationen för att förbättra din spelupplevelse på banan.

Det är inte lätt att hitta rätt bland alla modeller av padelracketar. Därför har vi på RS Padel tagit fram några riktlinjer som kan underlätta ditt letande där vi går igenom begrepp och skillnader mellan olika padelracketar. Ditt padelracket ska göra att du känner dig trygg på padelbanan och stärka ditt spel.

Balance point

A padel racket can have a high, medium or low balance and it has to do with where the weight is distributed on the racket. A padel racket with low balance means that the weight sits further down against the grip, which leads to it being easier to maneuver on the padel court, but it also means that you get less help from the racket during offensive and harder strokes. A racket where the balance point is low is most often a round racket.

A padel racket with high balance is the exact opposite of a racket with low balance. A racket with a high balance means that the weight is distributed higher up on the hitting surface, which makes such a racket more front-heavy and harder to handle on the court, but the advantage of a racket where the balance point is high is that it generates more speed and weight in the shots. A racket where the balance point is high is usually a diamond-shaped racket.

A padel racket with medium balance means that the weight is distributed in the middle of the racket. This results in it generating more speed in the shots compared to when the balance point is low, but not as much speed as a racket where the balance point is high. It also makes the racket easier to handle on the padel court compared to when the balance point is high up, but not as easy as when the balance point is low. It is therefore a middle ground between high and low balance. A racket where the balance point is in the middle is usually a tear-shaped racket.


Sweetspot is a commonly used term in padel that maybe not everyone knows what it is, so we feel we want to describe what it actually is. The sweetspot on a padel racket is the area on the hitting surface where it is optimal to hit the ball, because it is where the most power and control is generated in the strokes. Where the sweetspot sits on a padel racket usually depends on the type of shape the racket has, i.e. whether it is a round, diamond or drop-shaped racket. In general, round padel rackets have the largest sweetspot, which means that it is usually the easiest to play, while a tear-shaped racket has a sweetspot that sits neutrally on the hitting surface but is slightly narrower than the round one, which makes it somewhat more difficult to hit the sweetspot, and Finally, with diamond-shaped rackets, the sweetspot is higher up on the hitting surface and it usually has the smallest sweetspot, which makes it the most difficult racket to play.

Our different sweetspots
Our different sweetspots

Tear / Diamond shape

Our different sweetspots

Round Shape

Our different sweetspots

Tear shaped

Our different sweetspots

Tear / Diamond shape


Diamond-shaped rackets are often slightly front-heavy and this has to do with the balance point being a little higher up on the hitting surface compared to what, for example, a round racket has, where the balance point is further down. It is usually said that a diamond-shaped racket is an offensive racket due to the high balance plus the fact that they usually weigh a little more than other shapes, because what it has the effect of is that the shots get more weight and speed on the ball with the help of these features. However, due to the high balance point and the weight, it results in the racket being more difficult to maneuver on the padel court, then also the sweetspot is usually somewhat smaller and sits in the upper part of the hitting surface, which means that it is not as forgiving as round rackets in some cases less clean and clear hits. That being said, depending on the level of the player, it is certainly possible to play a controlled game with a diamond-shaped racket, but it is more difficult.

  • A diamond-shaped racket suits the slightly more experienced and advanced player who seeks maximum speed in his game and who prefers the offensive game where the smash is always close at hand. However, such a racket is not recommended for players with previous injuries.

  • When Simon Vasquez was in the creation of the padel racket Pro Edition Simon Vasquez, we together wanted to develop an offensive racket with a lot of speed that suits Simon's game, but also have good control properties. We therefore chose to create a type of hybrid racket where speed and control are the focus and it was best suited with the unique Tear/Diamond shape.


We usually say that with a drop-shaped padel racket you get the best of both worlds, the speed and power of a diamond-shaped racket and the control and precision of a round racket. A drop-shaped racket is simply a mix between a round and diamond-shaped padel racket. The balance point on a drop-shaped racket is most often in the middle of the racket, and the sweetspot is shaped like an egg neutrally on the hitting surface, which makes it larger than what the diamond-shaped offers, but slightly smaller than what the round racket offers.

  • A drop-shaped padel racket suits the player who is an advanced motorist or competitive player and wants a good balance between speed and control. They are generally slightly easier to play than the diamond-shaped rackets and offer a little more speed than the round ones. The perfect next step to take if you want to develop your game further from a round racket in our opinion.
  • Here, too, we are proud to be able to offer several different drop-shaped padel rackets that suit both the ladies and the men. The latest additions to this category are the siblings Prime Power Edition 2.0 and Prime Control Edition 2.0 as well as Prime Team Women's Edition. These three rackets are manufactured in the same high-tech factory as our successful padel racket Pro Edition Simon Vasquez.


A round padel racket is the exact opposite of a diamond shape in terms of characteristics. The balance point is low and the weight is usually lower, which means that a round racket is easier to maneuver on the padel court. A round racket usually has the largest sweet spot among all different shapes of rackets, and the effect of that is that it is forgiving on slightly worse ball hits, and that the control and precision game benefits from it.

  • A round padel racket is best suited for the beginner thanks to its easy swing and good forgiving features. Having said that, the racket also suits advanced players due to the good control properties such a racket offers. If you have or have had problems with injuries, a round racket is the most gentle on the body.
  • We are proud to be able to offer several different variants of our popular round padel rackets that suit the ladies, the men and of course also for the juniors, because we believe that regardless of the level of the player, a round padel racket is suitable for everyone!